Movies I have watched in 2006
A total of 58 movies watched. About 1 movie per week. Actions, Comedy, Dramas, Sci-fi, Romance, Award winning movies, you name it, I watched it. When it comes to movies, I usually don't check the reviews. Different people have different views on different things. You have to see it yourself to pass your own judgements. Some of these movie are more memorable while some are not so.
There were some movies that I wanted to watch but unfortunately missed it due to no movie partner (I never watch movies alone) or being occupied with other activities while the movie was showing in the cinema. Luckily, with my brother's vast collection of DVDs, I should be able to find those I missed and watch them IF I can find the time.
The best way to get me out is "Wanna go watch .... "
List of the movies
- 情癫大圣 (A Chinese Tall Story)
- Elizabeth Town
- Memoirs of a Geisha
- 小孩不笨 2 (I not stupid too)
- 霍元甲 (Fearless)
- The Fog
- The Pink Panther
- Brokeback Mountain
- Underworld Evolution
- V for Vendetta
- Shaggy Dog
- Inside Man
- Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
- Eight Below
- Mission Impossible 3
- Poseidon
- The Da Vinci Code
- X-men 3: The Last Stand
- Over the Hedge
- The Omen
- The Benchwarmers
- Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties
- Cars
- Superman Returns
- Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
- The Lake House
- The Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift
- My Super ex girlfriend
- The Breakup
- Click
- The Devil wears Prada
- Miami Vice
- The Beat my Heart Skipped
- The Absent
- Scoop
- The Departed
- Smoking Room
- World Trade Center
- Rob-B-Hood
- The Black Dahlia
- The Prestige
- The Guardian
- Death Note
- Covenant
- Step Up
- Flushed away
- Casino Royale
- Happy Feet
- 墨攻 (A Battles of Wits)
- 9:56
- The Free Will
- Déjà vu
- Quinceanera
- 父子 (After This Our Exile)
- Death Note 2: The Last Name
- Eragon
- Night at the Museum
- The Holiday
I failed
Sad but true. sigh.........
I have to re-sit one of the papers I took this year. I have no confident to pass but was still hoping for a miracle. Looks like miracles don't happen to me. :(
Most of my classmate passed their paper and will be taking 2 new subjects new semester while I can only take one and re-sit for my failed paper.
I took long leave for this semester's exam yet I ended up with a failed paper. Okay, I was a bit troubled by some minor emotional issues during the exam period but it didn't have a very big impact because I did passed my the other paper. Looks like I have to put in a lot more effort.
A very interesting article shared by a friend of mine. It's a bit long but it does make sense. I sure can learn a few things from it. :)
世界上有两件事是永远也勉强不了的,小时候是学习的兴趣,长大了,是爱情。 ----- 这,是一面镜子,勇敢放弃,勇敢面对,勇敢重新开始。
当他不爱你的时候,无论过去他是否爱过后来却忘了,又或者从未爱过,总之,当你无法成为他心里的那个人的时候,他的心便不会记得你,更不会在乎你。就算他 知道你深爱他,偶尔也能感觉得到你的关心,但他宁可装作是不知道。不爱了的那个人永远是先放得开的,所以,请你也不要折磨自己,痛苦太长时间。要学会自 然,如果你选择坚强接受,你们的结束会被认为是没有缘分,也许在他的心里,还会留下些许的遗憾;可是如果你不够理智,总是想做一些事情挽回这段已经不可能 存在的爱情,那么你们的结束只能被他看成是性格不合。
当他不爱你的时候,请不要在你不开心,或者是遇到麻烦而彷徨的时候去打搅他。他那儿绝对不是你此刻应该的去处。也许他会在接到你的电话的时候,淡淡地安慰 你几句,并且说衷心祝福你快乐,却也仅此而已。当他不爱你的时候,你的爱,你的人,就会显得廉价许多。你占了下风,这是人的本性。也许你会再想要一点什 么,于是说:“我们见一面吧,我们可以一起吃顿饭吗?”如果你以为吃顿饭,见一面就能挽回你失去的爱情,那么你就太错了,太傻了。而他心里也肯定很烦躁 了。他会说:“我现在有点事情,等有机会吧。晚点的时候你再给我电话吧,或者我给你电话也可以。”而你这时千万不要当真,他只是找了个不是很高明的理由来 搪塞你。请,不要真的去等,不要骗自己,更没有必要伤心。他的忙碌不会因为你的等待而终止。生活中很多事情对于他来说都是很重要的,而对于他来说最无所谓 的就是逝去的爱情了。
当他不爱你的时候,请不要与他讲你的琐事,也不要没话找话说,这些是最愚蠢的,也是最无谓的。也许此刻,善良的你痴情的你不过是希望让彼此更熟悉一些,不 要一下子感觉太生疏。其实你只是暂时过不了自己这一关,他却无暇更是没有兴趣去了解你,你的生活,你的过去,你的长处短处与他又何干?即使讲了,他也很快 会忘记的,就如他忘记曾经对你说过的话一样。没有爱,注定你挤不进他的生命。即使,你要的哪怕只是一个很小的角落。在他眼里,你曾经有过的优点全部都成为 一种负累,不会再成为吸引他的理由。
当他不爱你的时候,不要再回忆你们曾经有过的热烈拥抱和深情的吻了,那样只会让你更不能自拔,过去的就是过去了,更不要傻到家的跟他要求再吻我一次吧,再 抱我一下可以吗?因为这个拥抱这个吻不会有足够的魔力让他重新爱上你,他即使出于不好拒绝你的原因吻过抱过你之后,你们注定还是要分开,何必要让不再爱你 的他为难,而自己更加舍不得离开他呢?还有,偶尔你的梦里也许还会出现他的影,千万不要给他电话或是Email告诉他,你会被认为太不成熟。即使梦里真的出现了他,也是很正常的,试着给自己点时间慢慢遗忘吧,别对自己太苛刻!!
当他不爱你的时候,请不要在他的面前伤心难过,更不要流泪,因为眼泪实在是换不回爱情的,倒会让他更小看你了。不要在生病的时候告诉他你很难过,学会自己 照顾自己吧。他实在没有过多精力给予你照顾和关心,甚至只是同情一下。请骄傲的你,不要放弃本来属于你的骄傲。太多的人,在爱的面前迷失了太多,连重新站 起来的勇气都没有,何来骄傲?只是,要永远记得,只有愿意也可以为自己付出真爱的人,才可以真正的去疼惜你,而不是,旁观的同情、怜悯。不要对他说“只要 你开心我就开心”,这句话在他爱你的时候还显得挺情真意切,一旦分开了,这样的话,即使仍然出自于你的真心,也会让他觉得你给他压力,何必这样逼一个你曾 经爱的人呢?幸福是靠自己把握的,不要寄托在任何人的身上,明白吗?
当他不爱你的时候,你的爱便是他的负担。请不要去计算自己曾经的付出,不要希望有什么回报,更不要再有意无意再次流露出你对他的留恋和不舍,因为一切早已 经成为过去时。爱着不爱自己的人,本身便是没有回报的,不能计较对与错,这样会快乐些。要记住,你与他之间的爱,是单方面的,你用心,他无心。但是,也不 要责怪他,因为也许他曾经真的爱过你,也想做好一些,对你不要那样的冷漠,他也不想要这样的结局。只是,爱一个人,对一个人好,本来就是一种能力。对不 起,他也许有这样的能力,只是你们的相爱本身就是一场没有结局的错误,他的能力实在不能够浪费在你的身上,尝试着原谅他吧。当然,也别太悲观的认为他曾经 的爱不是真的,他曾经的诺言是假的,人活着本来就不容易,何况还要去选择爱和不爱呢?人与人之间本来就应该多一些理解,何况还是你曾经深爱过的他呢?
当他不爱你的时候,不要整天想着你们之间到底怎么了,拿什么拯救我们的爱情,因为你们之间的距离已经疏远到他站在你面前,却不知道你有多爱他。你站在他面 前,却已经不敢说你爱他。这样的爱还有被拯救的必要吗?请不要因为他说你们性格不合而失去自信,也许你的性格确实不适合他,但是这并不能证明你不是一个好 女孩,总会有一个喜欢你的性格的一个人为你而生,为你而活,为你而奋斗终生。爱一个人,也并非因为她的优秀,而只是一种感觉。你曾经让他有过这样的感觉, 于是他曾经爱上你。同样,他不爱你,也并非你不再优秀。优秀与否,真不是爱与不爱的理由,看看还有那么多爱自己的人,淡淡地微笑一下,找回自己的信心吧, 我们还有很多的事情需要带着信心去做,爱情不是唯一,不是生命的全部。
当他不爱你的时候,静下来的时候还是要想想你有没有欠他什么,尤其是在物质上,能还给他的就还给他吧,这样你的心里也许会好受一些,你可以继续保留的是对 于曾经的爱的追忆,只是,不要让他知道。他如果是个大方的男人,是不会收回曾经送给你的礼物的,如果你是个知书达理的女孩,耐心的用心的选一件实用的礼物 回赠给他吧,当然,不是作为交换,只是给这段感情划上一个完满的结局,你不再欠他什么。
当他不再爱你的时候,你会经常的无意中就走到了你们曾经一起去过的地方,看到的身边的每一个人都似乎是他的身影,每一对情侣都有可能勾起你对过去的眷恋; 你会经常想起他为你而唱的歌,这时候,你准会有想哭的感觉,请学会坚强好吗?一个人的时候,千万不要用酒精和烟来麻醉自己,因为那不应该是一个好女孩选择 遗忘的方式,如果他知道了,不会心疼,反而庆幸没有继续爱你这样一个女孩。你可以听听你们曾经一起唱过的歌,可以尽情的流流泪,但是千万不要傻到把那首歌 设置成你的手机铃声,因为他很可能不会再给你电话了,何必在其它无关的人面前暴露自己最真实也最脆弱的一面呢,人总是要学会坚强的。在选择听歌的时候,千 万不要听《亲爱的你怎么不在我身边》,《我爱你那么多》,《爱那么重》,《他不爱我》,除非你能肯定自己听了这些歌以后不会痛哭。选一些轻松的歌来听吧, 比如《老鼠爱大米》,《两只蝴蝶》,《欧若拉》,《你的微笑》:,尽管它们可能不符合你听歌的时候的心情,但至少能让你当时快乐起来,如果可以的话,跟着 一起唱唱吧。把自己心中的郁闷都发泄出来,明天又是崭新的一天。
请 不要因为你们曾经拥有过的欢乐和美好回忆就想到“永远”,记住:爱是没有永远的。你此刻深爱,就注定遥远的某一天不能再爱他,也不再爱他,他只是比你早一 步到达了这一天。当他不爱你的时候,请轻轻拥抱一下回忆里的温暖,轻柔地凝视凋谢的温柔。虽然他劝过你回忆过去是没有意义的,要看到未来,你却可以拥有回 忆和不回忆的权利和自由,也许随着时间的推移,你会发现,他也并非是你心目中的那般完美,他也是一个普通的人。那么那个时候,你会顺其自然的选择遗忘一切 的回忆,说明你真的长大了,真的成熟了,要相信自己!!那时候,你可能还会庆幸自己这段注定没有结局的爱夭折了,庆幸自己曾经说要给他生个宝宝的愿望没能 够实现,因为他不再爱你的时候,孩子也不可能挽留住他的心,未来的生活毕竟更重要,人不能把自己一生的幸福当作赌注。
当他不再爱你的时候,亲爱的,请你深深呼吸,一生的路上,铺满了爱的花蕾,总有那么一朵属于你,不是安慰你。而是因为很多事情都是早已经注定的,就像佛说 前辈子你们回眸了五百次才换得一场短暂的相识,可是缘分还不够,所以能够给你们的只有一百天的爱情。也不要自欺欺人的想象着并且希望着下辈子你们能够在一 起,因为谁心里都知道这一辈子才是实实在在的,所以我们都要好好生活,好好珍惜自己身边的一切,不要留下任何的遗憾,北宋的范仲淹都知道“不以物喜,不以 己悲 ”,何况我们呢? 如果你知道曾经爱过的他能够幸福开心,那么一切都足够了,即使他不再爱你又有什么关系呢,为了他,你也要快乐。
当他不爱你的时候,不要在别人面前说他的不好,尤其是你们共同的朋友,因为他还有继续爱别人的权利,还需要他的社交圈,表现得豁达一点吧,毕竟他是你曾经 爱过的人。当他不爱你的时候,也一定要祝福他,并且一定要真心,不计得失。在能够帮助他的时候,还是像以前一样大方吧,不要吝啬。有了爱,便不该有恨。爱 是美好的,恨却是残忍的。何必让生命中最美好的东西化作伤害呢?也一定不要觉得不公平。关于分开和遗忘,你们之间已经不公平了,他放弃和失去的的是一个如此爱他的女孩,而你只是失去了一个不能再爱你的人,却得到了一个重新生活的机会。相比起来,你不是更幸福一些吗?
Christmas wishlist
It's Christmas again and it's a festival of giving.
I do have something I like to get so people if you want to give me Christmas gifts, pay attention to the following list. heeheehee...
- Belt (a decent one that I can wear for wedding dinners) -- bought 23/12 @ U2
- Watch
(of course the Omaga that James Bond wore would be nice but I not that greedy and settle for something cheap and nice) -- given as birthday gift by someone. Not exactly this one but I go new watches.
- Jeans (I need another pair of jeans. I have been wearing the same 2 jeans most of the time) -- bought 23/12 @ U2
- ZARA shirts (as one gets older, he would want to dress younger) -- fulfilled by tare & kitty. Thank you gals :) 28/12
- DSLR camera
(since it's a WISH list. DSLR should be one of the items I wanted. Has been wanting to get one but somehow just afraid that it would be a white elephant very soon, especially with the digital camera technology these days) - Leather shoes (just bought a pair from Samsonite but I would like one a pair that's more presentable for formal occasions. Yes, wedding dinners)
- Braun Buffel card holder (I do have a card holder now but since it's getting a bit soggy and its the new year, I need a new one) -- bought 23/12 @ Braun Buffel outlet (suntec)
- .... anything else....hhhmmm.....
What else I need? I don't really need much actually. Perhaps a girlfriend would be nice to wrap it up for the wishlist.
A weekend of new people
This week its all about meeting new people.
On Friday, attended an ex colleague's wedding and I ended up sitting with 7 other female strangers. Before the night ends, I went meet Mel for drinks with her friends, another group of strangers met.
On Saturday, went lunch with 3 designers of which one of them is new while the other 2 I have briefly known couple of years back. In the evening, went to SMU's class gathering and again got to know a few really fun people.
Actually planned to blade today but judging by the weather, it's bedding (sleep) rather than blading
I am FINE.......almost

As I sits my bag down on the chair, I saw a white envelope with the traffic police logo on the table staring at me. Uneasiness sweep over me. What could it be?
Taking the letter out, one look I know it's bad news as I saw something printed "...Fined $130 and be awarded 4 Demerit Points".
Date of Offence : 3rd December 2006. 4:28pm
Place of Offence: PIE -> TUAS
Offence(s): Speeding (exceed speed limit of 80km/h)
3rd December is a Sunday so most likely it's me who was the driver (was hoping it was my dad :P or brother) but some how I don't remember coming home using the PIE on that very day. (my old failing memory at work again)
Upon checking my appointments in my PDA, I realized, without a doubt, it was me. Went Sitex at expo and after dropping my friend off at Tampines, I head home using PIE.
This can be my first speeding offence as I have never exceeded the speed limit, of course it's only applicable with the presence of a speed camera in the vicinity :P I am not a speed demon that craves for speed on the road, driving has always been a mean of getting from point A to point B in a much convenient way for me and my passengers. I wonder will I speed if I was given a sports car like a BMW Z4 or Ferrari. Nevertheless, I am still very much a safety comes first type of driver. Sometimes I find that it's not all bad when it comes to speeding. For instance, when the driver is really tried and alone in the vehicle, getting to the destination in the shortest possible time will allow his time spent on the road to be reduced, thus preventing the driver from meeting with any mishaps along the way like dozing off behind the wheel. Imagine driving at 50km/h on a warm day just after lunch (I did that while in camp) it such a torture staying awake not to mention keeping focus on the road.
Anyway, am glad that this time round it's just a warning from the traffic police and no summons action will be taken against me. It's a close call this time, next time I will be more alert to..... speed cameras
Went to ZoukOut for the FIRST time last night. Party all the way from 12am (it's a long story why we started out so late) to 4.30am in the morning but erijazz, ewok and the hockey boys stayed on till god knows when.
It was great fun dancing to the fantasic music, seeing gals in bikini moving around, dancing... you don't get this in pubs and clubs. Dancing in boardshorts and flip flops was not a first for me. I went into a club at Sabah this year during my dive trip to Layang Layang. Felt so out of place then. This time round it's different, not only it's on home turf, it's a beach party. As for the bikini babes, either I am getting too old for such parties or the age limit for such parties has been lowered. I wasn't really in the mood to flirt as well.
It would have been a really good party if not for the fact that tickets and drinks are overpriced and it took ages to get your drinks. In order to spend less time queueing and more time enjoying the music and dance, we decided to get all our last drinks at one go. I ended up having to dance with drinks in my hand while the ice dilute the already diluted drinks.
Despite the above mentioned negative points, I would still go for such parties given the right crowded.