Thursday, April 07, 2005

It's Thursday again

It's Thursday. I kind of like Thursdays because the next day is Friday... Why be happy when Friday is still a working day? Well, I just feel that when you work on Fridays, it's less pressurizing as it's near the weekend, people's mood are less demanding and you can go out for drinks after that.

Needed less drinks these days as work is not as demanding (I don't know is this good or bad) and I seems to have less to do. Maybe my reporting officer is the same 'pattern'(working attitude) as me thus we can work on the same wave length. Anyway, am trying to cut down on drinks.

I supposed to read my Maths notes and not 'waste' my time here blogging...

Okay... I shall go....... Ssssss...llleeeeeeeeppp..... wahahaha.... :p


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