Saturday, January 07, 2006

First Weekend of 2006...

..was boring but at least I finally went for a jog.

I was up at 7.30am this morning when mum who's leaving for Malaysia came into my room. I did not succumb to the sleeping tempting weather and went back to sleep as I was determine to use the heart rate monitor I bought. :)

Was supposed to go out with colleagues for kayaking at East Coast Park but was changed to bowling at Marina Square due weather. Did not join them for bowling and ended up cleaning up my book shelve. I got so many old magazines, some dated as far back as 1994. I remember throwing away some dated 1985 last year. :p I don't know why I am such a sucker for magazines. Other items I found were; stack of wedding invitations. I think I got at least 20 of them. Now you know why I so poor. A photograph of me and my ex (and first) girlfriend. I look rather 'round' back then. There's even a booklet from some magazine use for keeping scores for 2002 World Cup.

Managed to throw away 3 magazines with Ann Kok on the cover and a pen holder and a couple of pens. Wanted to throw away the photograph (most likely I have another copy) but then decided against it.

More cleaning to complete before Chinese New Year. I wonder what would I find next and what would I throw. :)


At 11:29 PM, Blogger churra said...

Ann Kok ur idol ah?

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Hairy Crab said...

eeeerrrr.... I guess so.


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