Wednesday, February 02, 2005

"I have waited for 30 minutes already...."

This was what I usually heard after 3 days of standing behind the counter of my users. Isn't queuing Singaporeans favourite pass time? We have some people queue overnight for HDB flats, Hello Kitty, Lim Zi Yuan bah gua etc etc but when queuing to see doctors, make payments at hospital they complain like there's no tomorrow after 30 minutes.
I simply cannot understand those who complained, usually those in shirt and tie, rich tai tai looking and dress in branded stuffs. What do they expect when they come to a public hospital. Its call public because its meant for the general public which basically means that most of the Singaporeans comes here. If you can't wait then go to a private hospital where the rates are higher, where most people can't afford, there you would not have such crowd and you will be served like a king. Bottomline, if you want cheap, DON'T COMPLAIN!

Its 3 tiring days. Tired of standing, tired of explaining, tired of seeing the ugly Singaporeans. Sometimes I really don't know how to answer the question "Are you proud to be a Singaporean?" with behaviours like these, can I say that I'm proud??

Oh my.... my eyes are popping out. I got to get some rest. Its going to be a long day again tomorrow. Work would likely to end at 7.45pm and I got a farewell dinner to attend. My 'sayang' leaving for studies in Australia next Monday. One kakis short.


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